Ngiyanikela on sale now!

Great news, the single NGIYANIKELA by Gospel Silinda is now available to purchase on mobile/cellphone via SMS. All you need to do is to SMS/text MUSIC NGIYANIKELA to 48038. To the techo-savvy, the single is available to purchase on iTunes and Google Play. 

NGIYANIKELA (I Surrender), is an African worship song with deep lyrics, a catchy hook, and an overlay of Gospel Silinda's crisp lead vocals. The song is modern and contemporary but boosts with the old school feel that most black South African's grew up listening to. Even if you don't understand Zulu, NGIYANIKELA has a unique ability to captivate you for the duration of the song.   

Spiritually, NGIYANIKELA ushers in the Holy Spirit, and lifts listeners to a point where crowns are cast down; inhibitions are removed; and total surrender is offered to the most high God. 

So, what are you waiting for, get NGIYANIKELA now! Use the links below: 

Google Play:

SMS: sms MUSIC NGIYANIKELA to 48038. Only R5 per SMS.